Il gioco del gregge di capre
Fabrizio Favale (Bologna)
conceived‚ researched‚ choreographed and danced by Fabrizio Favale
choreography assistant Andrea Del Bianco
set design and creation Le Supplici
dance Fabrizio Favale
technical and photographic collaboration Alberto Trebbi
Monday May 18th
from 7.30 p.m. to midnight
space > Vittoria Theatre‚ Via Gramsci 4 − Torino
Regional Debut
This work is based on goatish dynamics and actions tied to a magical fantasy‚ reminding us of the archaic world when Italy was a country of peasants
This 2009 production of “The Flock of Goats Game”‚ the 7th chapter of the project called “La collana di Aleppo” (Aleppo’s necklace)‚ is a free composition with five dancers‚ the nature of which is a mixture of what is real (the body the emits the dynamics) and what is fantasy (the imaginary background it’s based on).
Fabrizio Favale.
Soloist for the Virgilio Sieni Company from 1991 to 1998‚ he has been guest dancer and collaborated with the companies of Michele Pogliani and MK.
Among his various awards from critics‚ Fabrizio Favale received the “critics’ award for the best Italian dancer of the year” in 1996. In 1999‚ he set out on his own path of independent choreographic research and formed the company Le Supplici.
Le Supplici views dance as a practice that from time to time delineates panoramas which need to be contemplated‚ and the way they made manifest is through enchantment. Fascinated by dreams‚ the sudden way they come into being‚ and by ‘negative space’‚ or rather‚ that precise moment when the absence of actions on the ‘outside’‚ on stage or in the world‚ allows for the expansion of an imaginary “inside” within the spectator‚ in creating their work the group doesn’t deal with daily life‚ breaking it down and re−constructing it‚ but turns towards the imaginary far away.
With the work “Kauma”‚ the company figured among the 12 finalists of the International Biennial Award for Choreography 2008 in Aarhus‚ Denmark‚ chosen from proposals from 32 nations.
The Company’s projects are presented by the ERT Emilia−Romagna Theatre Foundation‚ with contributions from the Ministry for Arts and Cultural Activities‚ the City of Bologna’s Culure Sector‚ CARISBO‚ the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio (Foundation Savings Bank) of Bologna and Gammarad Italia‚ and the sponsorship of the Emilia−Romagna Region.
It had a three−year residency of productions (2005−2008) at the Teatro Comunale (City Theatre) in Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) under the auspice of ERT Emilia−Romagna Theatre Foundation.