22 May 2020 21.00 live on youtube

Casa del Teatro Corso Galileo Ferraris, 266 Torino

Body and time are the protagonists. A body that splits or associates with a fellow human being, who experiments on itself, who reflects on its own organic matter and explores its limits. The body’s greatest interlocutor is time: the flowing one, the percussion, the universal one. What is the shape of the body of those who remain in a certain position when an artist recreates it, redesigns it and adapts it to the limits of a canvas or to the dimensions of the material? This is what Claudia Catarzi wonders about. The raw material: two bodies, two elements of the ordinary, two people, two portraits, two sculptural entities, two fragments, two and sometimes one. Like clay in the hands of a sculptor, they are at the service of his experiment, of staying, staying, transforming. We “lay” to be looked at, “we lay” our weight, we inevitably submit to the physical laws of gravity and mysteriously we speak without words with our bodies, telling inaudible stories. Setting time invites us to leave aside our insatiable need to understand.

Claudia Catarzi has danced for international companies such as the Micha Van Hoecke Ensemble, Constanza Macras’ Dorky Park, Iztok Kovac’s En-Knap Group, Yasmeen Godder and was a guest of the Batsheva Dance Company, Sasha Waltz & Guests. She participated in Peter Greenaway’s short film The Towers. These rich experiences led to the creation of Solo Qui, ora in 2011, rewarded by numerous awards and selected, among others, for the Aerowaves Spring Forward Festival. Her solo Sul Punto won the jury prize and the audience prize at the Romaeuropa / DNA Festival 2013. Again for 2017 she is chosen as dancer of the year by Tiago Bartolomeu Costa in the annual book of dance, ballet and performance 2017, “Jahrbuch 2017 der Tanz – Zeitschrift für Ballett, Tanz und Performance”, with 40.000 centimetri quadrati.

Her two latest creations, A set of timings and Posare il tempo saw her share the scene with two female figures for the first time. Both international co-productions thanks to which Claudia receives for the first the support of Tremplin, network of partners Center national de la Danse Contemporaine‐ Angers, Danse à tous les étages! Rennes, L’étoile du Nord ‐ paris, Le Mac Orlan, Brest, Center chorégraphiques National de Nantes, Les Quinconces / L’Espal – Le Mans, Le Triangle – Rennes, Spectacle vivant en Bretagne and of the partners Honolulu – Nantes, Le Pont supérieur – Nantes, Intervalle – Noyal sur Vilaine, Le Musée de la danse – Rennes, Le Quartz – Brest, Le théatre universitaire de Nantes, Musique et Danse en Loire Atlantique, Onyx- Saint-Herblain. Thanks to the latest creation Claudia has been nominated associated artist of the CDCN of Bordeaux, La Manufacture / Bordeaux- Nouvelle Aquitaine.

Choreography Claudia Catarzi
With Claudia Caldarano, Claudia Catarzi
Live percussion Gianni Maestrucci
Dramaturgy Amina Amici
Original music and sound dramaturgy Bruno De Franceschi
Sound design Francesco Taddei
Light design Massimiliano Calvetti, Leonardo Bucalossi
Produced by La Manufacture – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National Bordeaux Nouvelle – Aquitaine
Co-produced by La Briqueterie – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National du Val-de-Marne, POLE-SUD – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National / Strasbourg, Art Danse – Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National Dijon Bourgogne, Centre Chorégraphique National Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Le réseau Tremplin: Danse à tous les étages – Bretagne, L’Etoile du Nord – Paris, Le Mac Orlan – Brest, Le Triangle – Rennes, Chorège – Falaise, Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes, CANGO – Firenze, Company Blu
With the contribution of MIBACT e Regione Toscana, Zebra | Cultural Zoo
With the support of Glob Théâtre – Bordeaux, SPAM! – Porcari, Teatro Era – Pontedera, Armunia – Castiglioncello, Le Murate – Firenze, Centro arte contemporanea | Museo Pecci (Prato)


durata 30’