Welcome 2024

From May 23rd to June 16th

25 performances in long and short format with 7 national premieres, using 4 theatres and 4 multidisciplinary spaces and more.

Even in this edition the soul and the feature of the festival, directed by Natialìa Casorati and organised by Associazione culturale Mosaico Danza, is the constant and valuable work of scouting the contemporary scene, result of a leading role and international collaborations of the highest profile and the intention to bring to the public artists programmed in the most interesting international events and winners of prestigious awards.
INTERPLAY has been, for almost twenty-five years, a space for dialogue between national and international creativity: in this edition there will be 15 Italian companies, with established realities and young proposals to lay eyes on for the first time, which will be joined by 10 international companies, including one coming from China.




Presales on Vivaticket



> Green best practice projects

The Mosaico Danza Association has tried to understand how to make the environmental emergency its own, an issue that is becoming more topical every day and that requires an investment on the part of citizens and, above all, on the part of organisations, companies and associations, also in order to activate actions that COMPENSATE THE POLLUTION WE GENERATE with our initiatives.

November 2023 > PNRR TOCC for the Ecological Transition, financed by the European Union in the context of NGEU – Next Generation EU through the funds destined to PNRR – Recovery and Resistance Plan.
August 2023 > Winner of EFFEA Grant Call #2 as partners in collaboration with Dance Festival Malta, Jerusalem International Dance Week, Aerowaves Festival Sofia organised by Derida Dance Center and Quinzena de Dança de Almada – International Dance Festival.





Contemporary Dance Work in Progress

Initiative of the Anticorpi XL Network which culminates within the Ammutinamenti Festival.

A “three-day” show during which the selected young dancer-authors will present their creation and will have the opportunity to enter into dialogue with other artists and operators thanks to moments and spaces of dialogue, sharing and confrontation that enable and consolidate the relationship with the community of performing arts.


Mosaico Danza (IT) with Fabrik Potsdam and Bureau du Théâtre et de la danse à Berlin (DE) + Maison CDCN and Théâtre de Nîmes (FR), in partnership with Lavanderia a Vapore/ Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo (IT) and Torinodanza Festival / Fondazione Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale.


Mosaico Danza is a partner of the RTO / grouping of operators for the promotion and realisation of the NID Platform project.

COLLABORACTION an action of the Anticorpi XL network aimed at the economic support of a new creation by a national choreographer with a significant artistic career and with the scheduling of the performance in the events organised by the partners, is now in its 6th edition.

The winner of the 6th edition is Jacopo Jenna
2022 > 6th edition

Mosaico Danza is in the governance of the Lavanderia a Vapore in Collegno as a partner in the RTO, which currently involves the main territorial dance actors.