AN ECO-SUSTAINABLE FESTIVAL> to compensate for the pollution we produce

> Green good practice projects

Mosaico Danza Association has tried to understand how to make its own the environmental emergency, an increasingly topical issue that requires investment both by citizens and, above all, by Public Bodies, Companies and Associations, also to activate actions that COMPENSATE THE POLLUTION WE GENERATE with our initiatives.
By removing the idea that artists have to change their poetics, creating specific shows on climate change to be included in our program to raise awareness of environmental issues in our audience, we have chosen to act directly.
We have put ourselves at the forefront of the fight against pollution by investing in green projects. To do this, the Festival team undertook a careful market survey, comparing different platforms that put the environment and the reduction of pollution at the center. So we made our #GREEN CHOICE: researchers and scientists have demonstrated that to save the planet every inhabitant of the earth should plant a tree.
We have decided to start from there. We met with the organizers of TREEDOM, BIORFARM and 4OCEAN who support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations Development Program to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, as part of a new agenda for sustainable development.
TREEDOM and BIORFARM have among their aims those of reabsorbing CO2, increasing green areas and encouraging the work of small farmers in Italy and around the world. All trees are good for the environment: they absorb CO2, emit oxygen, promote biodiversity and much more.
Specifically BIORFARM supports small Italian farms by helping farmers and inviting citizens to adopt fruit trees.TREEDOM supports the planting of trees in Asia, Africa, South America and Italy, contributing to the achievement of 10 Goals to ensure a sustainable future. All the trees planted with TREEDOM GREEN START project have various purposes: the improvement of the soil, the use of leaves as feed for livestock, the consumption of fruits, the use for traditional medicine, the repopulation of various animal species and wind protection thus reducing the evaporation of water from the ground.


> Interplay green&blue

4ocean is a Public Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corp that removes trash from the ocean, rivers or coastlines. 4ocean was founded on the belief that business can be a force for good and that the single actions of individual people, collectively, have the power to change the world. The dedicated crews weigh, photograph, and insert the collected material into the TrashTracker before being transported to the regional operational bases. In each base, the plastic is sorted by type, color and condition before being sent to recycling partners for flaking, washing, and pelletizing. These pellets are the raw material used for 4OCEAN products. Although recycling is the top priority, there are some materials that are too contaminated, deteriorated or economically disadvantageous to recycle in some countries. The team works with various local facilities to find the most sustainable method of disposal for those materials as well

In total, the Festival bought 50 trees, favoring the reabsorption of CO2 for about 10 tons, and 10 kg of plastic from the waters of the sea and rivers.

We are very keen to make spectators, citizens and artists aware of the possibility of MAKING A DIFFERENCE, by adhering to these projects too.
Thanks to these collaborations it will be possible to encourage and support environmental projects at local, national and international level, also aimed at supporting biodiversity and respecting work ethic.
Each initiative will be shared and promoted by the Festival through the hashtag #INTERPLAYGREEN.


> A festival that has always been attentive

In 2018, Interplay paid particular attention to the Arab world, joining the FOCUS YOUNG ARAB CHOREOGRAPHERS project, created with the aim of facilitating mobility, intercultural dialogue and the exchange of performative practices between Arab artists and local Italian realities. For the occasion, meetings, work sessions and show nights were organized. On May 25 of that year, at the end of the show DISPLACEMENT by the Syrian artist Mithkal Alzghair, a meeting was held between the audience and the choreographer in collaboration with DAMS / UniTO, coordinated by the scholar and professor of history of dance Susanne Franco with the presence of a delegation of MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE, to whom part of the incomes of the evening were donated and which we support with a monthly donation.