RE-ACTION Integrated Dance Company. A non-profit integrated dance company based in Turin, where dancers with and without physical-motor disabilities perform together, using the great expressive and communicative value of dance to overcome stereotypes, break down mental barriers, and promote the integration of artists with disabilities in the artistic and cultural context of society. The director and choreographer Elena Bollati uses the language of modern and contemporary dance to make the wheelchair not a limitation but a tool to create amazing and innovative choreography. They organize performances and participate in events, dance festivals, performing arts festivals at national and international level.
Integrated dance Company (IT)
09 June 2022 18:45
CASCINA ROCCAFRANCA CASA DEL QUARTIERE Via Rubino, 45 TorinoBALLO ANCH’IO. It is an established Amateur Sports Association registered with CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee), affiliated with CIP (Italian Paralympic Committee), FIDS (Italian Federation of Sport Dance) and CSEN (National Educational Sports Center). It was founded in Turin in 2006 by Marilena Goria, a famous teacher and choreographer who developed in Italy the wheelchair dance and directed by her for many years, achieving numerous awards and recognitions. The association deals with dance for people with disabilities and collaborates with many other organizations, schools and associations for the divulgation of sports for disabled.
It practices wheelchair dance for people with motor disabilities, inclusive dance for people with intellectual disabilities with carers, mixed groups with standing dancers and special dance for children with special educational needs. Training activities for instructors. The Performer Group organizes courses at its headquarters and at external centers and participates every year in numerous shows and events in Turin and throughout Italy. The Performer Group participates in the Italian championships of paralympic dance FIDS and international IDO, reporting excellent results.
Direction Elena Bollati
Production ASD Ballo Anch’io
durata 10'