Michela Minguzzi

Upside Down
Michela Minguzzi (Emilia Romagna)

by and with Michela Minguzzi
Choreography Gd’A Award Finalist
Regional debut

Saturday 21 May, 2011
5.30 p.m.
space > Piazza Vittorio Veneto

Upside down as a metaphor for an internal earthquake.
The discovery of the freedom of the body.
Dynamism of the body, the primordial body and animal.
The aware body educated to involuntary chains of life.
At times you might think of a “stranded” body, tired of fighting and more focused on improving the quality of its existence.
She takes her time, listens to her breathing. It is a work exploring, with lightness and delicacy, the maturity of a body that is reaching the staging of the experience that this figure has lived.

Michela Minguzzi
Choreographer and dancer, born Ravenna in 1980, who after studying gymnastics, devoted herself to the study of contemporary dance in various Italian and European cities. She graduated in 2006 from the School of Dance and Choreography Artez Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. She has danced for Elena Casadei, Cristina Rizzo and since 2009 she has collaborated as a dancer with the Virgilio Sieni Dance Company. At the same time, she has continued with her own independent original choreographic research since 2006, participating in many national festivals such as the 2009 “Ammutinamenti Festival” (Ravenna), “Urban Bodies” (Genoa) “Fuoristrada” (Ferrara), “SezioneOff” (Santarcangelo), “Serata ExpLò” (Bari)... She was a finalist as best original dancer at the GD’A in Emilia Romagna.